Saturday, February 7, 2009


So last night I went with some girl friends to see 'He's just not that into you'. I really wasn't sure I wanted to see the movie but I didn't want to bail so I went anyway.

In the end I wish I hadn't gone. It's not that the movie had a lot of bad parts, it just happened to hit a little to close to home.

The movie is about a bunch of people trying to find love and how you know he (a romantic interest) isn't into you. There is a couple that is married and the guy ends up having an affair and keeps lying to his wife about that and smoking cigarettes. She keeps believing him. It takes a pack of cigarettes falling out of his pocket for her to realize the truth.

I let my ex lie to me (I think for years) until I finally had to face the truth.

Also they say that if a guy doesn't call you then he's not that into you. Well, the only problem I've had with current boyfriend is that he has NEVER called me or even texted. He doesn't even have my phone number in his phone.

I don't believe that he isn't into me. I know he cares even though he hasn't called. He does other things to let me know that.

Anyway it really was just a disturbing movie that upset me over nothing. The first things are in the past and I don't think about them to often and the others are stupid.


Kate said...

wow! two posts in the same week? if it bothers you, let ed know...he may just not think about it, which would be typical male. :0) CAN just program your number in his phone. that way you know he has it....just in case.

lbt said...

maybe i'll do that...program it in. hehe. and it didn't really bother me until that stupid movie.