Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well, it seems that asking a guy out on a date actually works. (Even though I really thought we were going as just friends)
The guy I asked to the Temple Open House and I are dating.


It is very weird to say I have a boyfriend. And yet it feels so right just doing regular things with him. We like many of the same movies, can play video games together (and I didn't totally suck when we did). He plays the piano (so we can play together), and the violin (though he can't play to often).

I can talk non-stop to him for hours on end.

It's amazing to realize exactly what I missed out on in my first marriage.
I sat next to Ed (that's his name) on Sunday at church and he bore his testimony. I loved hearing it and knowing he has a testimony of the Gospel.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy for you!! You deserve it!