Friday, April 2, 2010

What do I do?

Today is my Birthday, I am 27 as off two minutes ago. I was supposed to work this morning but due to circumstances at work, I am off. (I worked yesterday instead)
Ed is at work, my sister is at work, my brother is in class (I think), my Grandma isn't home, nor can I call someone to talk. I am not quite sure what to do with myself.
I am antsy to do something other than sit in front of the TV, but being Pregnant I am limited as to what I can do.
There is a lot to do to prepare for the baby coming but first I must decide if I am going to paint the room. It is dark brown panneling with one window about the size of a normal bathroom window. It is dark like a cave. Though painting presents another problem I am not supposed to do it because of the fumes. However, I can't move anything in that room until I decide what to do and do it.
Which leads to I have the messiest (is that right?) house in the world and am desperately needing to clean. Of course most of the items are going to go in the corner of the babies room. Leading back to painting.
I also can't do much lifting since I'm sure the boxes are heavier than I am supposed to lift. Meaning I need someone there to help.
The whole point of this post being I don't know what to do with myself when I don't work now.