Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Third Trimester

I am finally about to start my third trimester. Sometimes I feel like the time will never end and sometimes I go hey where did the last three months go? We haven't really done anything to get ready yet. We are trying not to have to up our rent too early. Our apartment right now is a one bedroom but it is made so it can be a two bedroom but that means we have to pay more. We will get it in plenty of time before Rose (my sisters idea of a name for my blog, and we liked it) comes.

We are going to Hawaii next week to see my sister. Yahoo! Thank you income tax returns. We are only going for a week so it will be a short trip but it will still be fun and definitely worth it.

Well I thought I had more to post but my mind is blank.


John and Jessica Tilton said...

Congrats on having a girl. The name Rose is adorable! And happy third trimester! It's amazing how time can go so fast and so slow at the same time. ha! Good luck with the upcomming months!